Monday, April 16, 2012

4.15.12 - A Trail Name, 18 Deep in a Truck, and Kinkora

Today was a tender hiking day. We pulled a 9 mile day and a 10 mile day, followed by a 22 mile day. The 22 mile day really got me this time. No injuries, but sore muscles and feet, and overall just worn out!

Slept next to a creek at Laurel Canyon. We thought it would be a day of downhill heading into Kinkora Hostel, but it was up and down all day. Hiked 12 or 13 miles into the hostel, and met up with a bunch of hikers there, some we had seen before, and a few we hadn't met before (Skunkape, Lee Bob, Flowers, and Daisy). We were in the middle of nowhere and thought this was going to be a boring stay, but we heard it was supposed to be a great place, and that owner Bob Peoples was a trail legend. Got showers and did laundry as more hikers poured in.

We were sitting around the table outside waiting for the 5:30 shuttle into town for food and resupply. Our food packages hadn't shown up as of Sunday, so we wanted to check out our resupply options in addition to grabbing some Arby's. As we were sitting around, I asked two hikers we had seen before what their names were, and they introduced themselves and Sprite and Snag. Sprite found out I didn't have a trail name and asked which of the suggested names I liked the best. I explained that the three of us agreed that we couldn't give each other our trail names, but Tarzan and Flosser broke the rule. I started telling her and Nutterbutter about the names Tarzan and Flosser suggested, starting with Barn Door. I said "back when we started in early March, I weighed 186 pounds and would keep my fly open to try to keep chafing down. I've lost 22 pounds since then and must have had more meat between my legs back then". Immediately I realized that didn't sound right, but before I could correct myself and explain that meant I must have had more meat on my thighs, the table busted out in laughter and Sprite said I just got a trail name! I thought about it for a bit and after a few people called me it, I decide I'd take the name. From here on out for the next 1,768 miles, I will be known as "Meat".

So 5:30 rolled around and we loaded up 18 people into a pickup truck. 11 deep in the back and I got crammed into a back corner with my knees in my chest. About 15 minutes down a windy road into Elizabethton. Chowed down on some delicious Arby's and then ran over to Dollar General and IGA for some resupply. We stopped at McDonalds and I got a small McFlurry. The guy made it with Oreo instead of M&M like I ordered, so I scored 2 for the price of one! Woohoo! Back down the mountain road and finally out of the pickup truck.

We kicked back and had a good time hanging out in the 4 person bunk house with Frenchy. We talked about Flosser forgetting things lately, hikers and other interesting people we've run into, and other random things. Laughed like crazy and finally fell asleep.

Great ending to the day at Kinkora with some great hikers! Loving life!

Over and out!

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